
You can access the colleges remote access portal by clicking the Log In button:

In general, when compiled for the GPU, hemi::launch, hemi::cudaLaunch and hemi::parallelfor will choose a grid configuration that occupies all multiprocessors (SMs) on the GPU. Automatic Execution Configuration is flexible, though. CudaLaunch is an easy-to-use, easy-to-manage, secure application for remote workers. Secure and Reliable Access to Your Business From Anywhere Designed for Mobile and BYODs CudaLaunch is an application for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. The CudaLaunch application provides secure remote access to your organisation's applications and data from your Mac. The application does this by securely connecting to a Barracuda CloudGen Firewall hosted by your organisation.

How To Guides

CudaLaunch is designed from ground up for Zero Touch Provisioning and easy central management for large deployments. The app is available for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, can be downloaded from the App Stores. End users can install the app without elevated privileges on the device.

You will find documents below detailing on how to configure and use your device to connect to the college remote access portal. Click HERE to find information on how to access your College email and Microsoft Teams.

Student Guides

Staff Guides

Miscellaneous Guides

Recommended Software

The below software is recommend for using the remote access portal.

The use of third party products and services is done at your own discretion and risk and with your agreement that you will be solely responsible for any damage you experience as a result of your use of third party products and services. any warranty that is provided by a third party is provided solely by such third party, and not by the Chelmsford College Group.



Software for connecting to the remote access gateway on Apple iOS, Android and Windows 10 devices.


Google Chrome


Free modern browser from Google available on multiple platforms.

Direct from Google Chrome website

Mozilla Firefox

Free modern browser from Mozilla available on multiple platforms.

Direct from Mozilla Firefox website

Technical Support

Should you experience any difficulties in using this software or would like some assistance in configuring your device please contact the IT Services helpdesk:

  • By Email:
  • In Person:
    • Moulsham Street: M119
    • Princes Road: Learning Centre

short version first:
cudaLaunch lacks any documentation, and i don’t have any clue of what to pass to it…

long version:
i tried to wrap the cudalaunch interface into a C++ object, to allow high-level launches of kernels…
my idea was to use strings as kernel names to have an higher flexibilty, but i couldn’t find any example of the string’s format…
-passing name didn’t work
-passing the name + “__entry” didn’t work
-passing the extended bin name didn’t work…

I found anyway many examples for cuLaunchGrid, but i don’t think it’s good habit to mix “high” and driver-level APIs…

Cudalaunch Login

Thanks in advance for any clues!