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Isotopes are considered stable (non-radioactive) if evidence for radioactive decay has not been detected experimentally. Element has two or more isotopes that are used to determine its atomic weight. The isotopic abundances and atomic weights vary in normal materials. Isotope Relative Atomic Mass Isotopic Composition Standard Atomic Weight Notes: 1: H: 1: 1.007 825 032 23(9) 0.999 885(70) 1.007 84, 1.008 11 m: D: 2: 2.014 101 778 12(12) 0.000 115(70) T: 3.
Developers and Contributors:
J. S. Coursey, D. J. Schwab, J. J. Tsai, and R. A. Dragoset
NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
The atomic weights are available for elements 1 through 118 and isotopic compositions or abundances are given when appropriate. The atomic weights data were published by J. Meija et al in Atomic Weights of the Elements 2013, and the isotopic compositions data were published by M. Berglund and M.E. Wieser in Isotopic Compositions of the Elements 2009. The relative atomic masses of the isotopes data were published by M. Wang, G. Audi, A.H. Wapstra, F.G. Kondev, M. MacCormick, X. Xu1, and B. Pfeiffer in The AME2012 Atomic Mass Evaluation.
These data have been compiled from the above sources for the user's convenience and does not represent a critical evaluation by the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory.
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Development of this database was funded in part by NIST's Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) Program.
Online: September 1999 | Last update: January 2015
Isotopes Of Elements Chart
The periodic table is an arrangment of the chemical elements ordered by atomic number so that periodic properties of the elements (chemical periodicity) are made clear. Wwe 2k15 dlc free download.
Explore the isotope and NMR properties of the chemical elements through this periodic table
Isotopes Of Elements Have Different:
Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | |
Period 1 | Hydrogen | Helium | |||||||||||||||||
2 | Lithium | Beryllium | Boron | Carbon | Nitrogen | Oxygen | Fluorine | Neon | |||||||||||
3 | Sodium | Magnesium | Aluminium | Silicon | Phosphorus | Sulfur | Chlorine | Argon | |||||||||||
4 | Potassium | Calcium | Scandium | Titanium | Vanadium | Chromium | Manganese | Iron | Cobalt | Nickel | Copper | Zinc | Gallium | Germanium | Arsenic | Selenium | Bromine | Krypton | |
5 | Rubidium | Strontium | Yttrium | Zirconium | Niobium | Molybdenum | Tc☢ Technetium | Ruthenium | Rhodium | Palladium | Silver | Cadmium | Indium | Tin | Antimony | Tellurium | Iodine | Xenon | |
6 | Caesium | Barium | * | Lutetium | Hafnium | Tantalum | Tungsten | Rhenium | Osmium | Iridium | Platinum | Gold | Mercury | Thallium | Lead | Bismuth | Po☢ Polonium | At☢ Astatine | Rn☢ Radon |
7 | Fr☢ Francium | Ra☢ Radium | ** | Lr☢ Lawrencium | Rf☢ Rutherfordium | Db☢ Dubnium | Sg☢ Seaborgium | Bh☢ Bohrium | Hs☢ Hassium | Mt☢ Meitnerium | Ds☢ Darmstadtium | Rg☢ Roentgenium | Cn☢ Copernicium | Nh☢ Nihonium | Fl☢ Flerovium | Mc☢ Moscovium | Lv☢ Livermorium | Ts☢ Tennessine | Og☢ Oganesson |
*Lanthanoids | * | Lanthanum | Cerium | Praseodymium | Neodymium | Pm☢ Promethium | Samarium | Europium | Gadolinium | Terbium | Dysprosium | Holmium | Erbium | Thulium | Ytterbium | ||||
**Actinoids | ** | Ac☢ Actinium | Th☢ Thorium | Pa☢ Protactinium | U☢ Uranium | Np☢ Neptunium | Pu☢ Plutonium | Am☢ Americium | Cm☢ Curium | Bk☢ Berkelium | Cf☢ Californium | Es☢ Einsteinium | Fm☢ Fermium | Md☢ Mendelevium | No☢ Nobelium |
Isotopes Of Elements Have The Same Number Of
The standard form of the periodic table shown here includes periods (shown horizontally) and groups (shown vertically). Origin of symmetry full album download. The properties of elements in groups are similar in some respects to each other.
Isotopes Of Elements Have
There is no one single or best structure for the periodic table but by whatever consensus there is, the form used here is very useful and the most common. The periodic table is a masterpiece of organised chemical information and the evolution of chemistry's periodic table into the current form is an astonishing achievement.