Bollywood celebs regularly share their workout routines along with various health tips and tricks with their followers on social media. But actors Sara Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor — who are often spotted visiting their workout studios — took their fitness game to another level when they decided to exercise together under the supervision of Pilates trainer Namrata Purohit.
Currently in the Maldives,the two were seen enjoying their workout in a video shared by the Kedarnath actor.
She captioned the video, “Go with the flow. Steady and slow. Kick high- squat low. That’s how you’ll get the golden glow”
The two actors were seen doing a series of exercises involving kicks and squats along with circular leg raises, sumo-squats combined with bending to the left and right alternatively.
8 hours ago On April 20, 2021, Sara Ali Khan took to her social media handle to share a fitness Reels video. In the video, the 25-year old actress was seen working out with Janhvi Kapoor. Both Sara and Janhvi appeared extremely focused and performed each exercise with true dedication. While Sara Ali Khan wore a red coloured PUMA sports bra with a grey.
Sara Ali Khan, London, United Kingdom. 131,131 likes 9,347 talking about this. This page is belong to new talent of bollywood Sara Ali Khan who can be a future superstar soon, Sara's First Movie. 1 day ago Saif Ali Khan, during an appearance on Koffee With Karan with daughter Sara Ali Khan, made fun of her for finding faults with Bollywood ‘after being here for three minutes’. The latest tweets from @iSaraAliKhan.
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Sharing a few giggles in between, the actors also did weight training followed by partner squats in which they were seen balancing themselves on one leg and taking each other’s support to stand still.
Why working out with a partner could work for you?
Saif Ali Khan Twitter
Sara Ali Khan Instagram
If you tend to lack motivation to work out or keep continuing your practice every day, it is always good to have a partner.
Exercising with a friend or family member helps keep one motivated and also promotes healthy competition.
What more? It also adds fun to the mundane routine.
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