Microsoft Vsd Viewer

.vsd Extension - List of programs that can open .vsd files

Original Title: Microsoft Visio Viewer. Hi, I am not able to open.vsd file directly from the website.But when I download that file locally and open with internet explorer that file is opening in internet explorer.I am not able to find the root cause of this issue.Please help. Download Microsoft Visio Viewer - Simple yet efficient tool that helps you check out diagrams (e.g. VSD, VSS, VST, VDX) created using Microsoft Visio with the aid of Internet Explorer. Change language. Accessibility Privacy and Cookies Legal Trademarks © 2021 Microsoft Privacy and Cookies Legal Trademarks © 2021 Microsoft. VSD Viewer is an easy-to-use software to view VSD files, it comes with some handy viewing features. Some of the handy features of Visio software are: You can use this tool to view multi-page VSD file with a very good quality for viewing it. It provides “ Copy to Clip ” feature which you can use to copy image from a VSD file.

Opening A Vsd File

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .vsd extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
fvp.exeFile Viewer PlusFile Viewer PlusSharpened ProductionsopenLow
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
iexplore.exeWindows? Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
iexplore.exeWindowsR Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenHigh
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenVery High
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
pdfcreator.exePDFCreatorPDFCreatorpdfforge PDF und Bilddateien mit PDFCreatorLow
sdraw.exeLibreOfficeLibreOffice DrawThe Document FoundationNew, open, print, printtoMedium
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft Office VisioMicrosoft CorporationNew, Open, Print, Print ToMedium
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft VisioMicrosoft Office VisioMicrosoft CorporationOpen, Print, Print ToLow
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft Office 2010Microsoft VisioMicrosoft CorporationNew, Open, Open as Read-Only, Print, Print ToMedium
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft? Office Visio? 2007Microsoft Office VisioMicrosoft CorporationNew, Open, Print, Print ToLow
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft Office 2013Microsoft VisioMicrosoft CorporationEdit, New, Open, Open as Read-Only, Print, Print ToLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .vsd extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
Microsoft Visio 2000/XP/2003 Documentsoffice.binLibreOffice, The Document FoundationLow
LibreOffice.VsdVisio DrawingFVP.EXEFile Viewer Plus, Sharpened ProductionsLow
LibreOffice.VsdMicrosoft Visio 2000/XP/2003 Dokumentsoffice.binLibreOffice, The Document FoundationLow
LibreOffice.VsdMicrosoft Visio 2000/XP/2003 Documentsoffice.binLibreOffice, The Document FoundationMedium
Visio.Drawing.11Desenho do Microsoft Visio 2003-2010application/vnd.visioLow
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Office Visio-Zeichnungapplication/vnd.visioLow
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Visio 2003-2010 Drawingapplication/vnd.visiovisicon.exeMicrosoft Office 2016 component, Microsoft CorporationLow
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Visio Drawingapplication/vnd.visiovisicon.exeMedium
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Office Visio Drawingapplication/vnd.visiovisicon.exe2007 Microsoft Office component, Microsoft CorporationMedium
VisioViewer.ViewerMicrosoft Visio Documentapplication/ Office Visio Viewer, Microsoft CorporationVery High
VisioViewer.Viewer.1Microsoft Visio Documentapplication/ High
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If you are looking for information about another extension, you can try to find it inthe following alphabetic list:

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Microsoft Visio Vsd Viewer

Do you need to open a Microsoft Visio drawing (.VSD file)?

File Viewer Plus can open VSD files! It allows you to view the drawing and convert it other more widely supported file formats, such as PDF, JPEG, and PNG.

Open VSD files without Microsoft Visio. Try File Viewer Plus today!


Free 14-day trial. 93.1MB

Microsoft Visio creates VSD files to store technical drawings, such as process diagrams, flowcharts, database models, and organizational charts. The VSD format was introduced in the 1990s and is still used today. However, the format was replaced by the VSDX format as the primary file format for storing drawings with the release of Visio 2013.

Microsoft vsd viewer windows 10

While VSD files were more common in the 2000s, you may still encounter them in business settings today. A co-worker may email you a diagram in the VSD format or you may discover old VSD diagrams on your computer. Whatever the case may be, you can open and view VSD drawings with File Viewer Plus. You can also use the program to convert the drawings to PDF, JPEG, or PNG formats.

About File Viewer Plus

File Viewer Plus is a universal file viewer for Windows. Why pay for many software programs and clutter your PC when you only need one? File Viewer Plus supports over 400 file types. No longer do you need to buy extra software or install shady programs to open unknown or unique file types. File Viewer Plus also enables you to edit, save, print, and quickly convert your files.

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