Timemachine Backup

Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB External Hard Drive Portable HDD – Silver USB 3.0 For PC Laptop And Mac, 1 year Mylio Create, 2 Months Adobe CC Photography (STHN2000401) 4.7 out of 5 stars 7,072 $52.99 $ 52. 99 $99.99 $99.99. Time Machine backs up every file stored on your Mac to an external drive. Since this is a complete backup, it includes every system file, preference, application, and other piece of data from your Mac. This means you won’t lose anything if you need to restore a backup from Time Machine.

BackupIDrive can backup the Time Machine data to your account. This provides additional protection to your Mac including system files, applications, accounts, preferences, music, photos, movies and documents.
However, if you have selected all required files/folders that needs to be backed up from your Mac then there is no need to backup Time Machine data again as it will duplicate the backup data on your IDrive account. To avoid this duplicate copy, by default IDrive will exclude Time Machine data ('Backups.backupdb') folder from your backup.
Time machine backup url

Create a Time Machine Backup on your Unraid Server To create backups with Time Machine and store them on your Unraid server, all you’ll need to do is connect it to your Unraid server and then Time Machine will automatically make: Hourly backups for the past 24 hours Daily backups for the past month. Com.apple.TimeMachine.2017-37 (dataless) so you can delete any backup by command line like this (deletes the one listed above, note only date used in reference): sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2017-37.


How To Restore Time Machine Backup

If you want to include Time Machine folder in your backup set,
Time machine backup url
  1. Go to the Settings tab.
  2. Under Excluded Files / folders from backup section, select the Files/Folders with partial names option.
  3. Uncheck the Backups.backupdb folder to remove it from the excluded files and folders list.
  4. Click Save Settings.
  5. Go to the Backup tab and add the Time Machine folder to the backup set.


Time Machine Backup To Network Drive

Note: Backing up Time Machine data with IDrive does not work very well, because Time Machine will not recognize the backed up data for recovery at a later point of time. Additionally, if Time Machine data is included in your IDrive backup, your archive can grow to many times the size of the actual files being backed up, resulting in unnecessary multiple copies of the same file.

Time Machine Backup Drive