Web Outlook 365

Disclaimer: I've received concerns from people about having these links here for the world to see. Here are my thoughts: These are all public facing OWA servers that are located in a DMZ on a government computer network and require your CAC to access the site. So, the links won't help anyone if they don't have a CAC and an email account on that particular network.

Use the instructions below if you want to connect an account to your Outlook on the web (work or school) account in Microsoft 365. If you're using Outlook.com or Hotmail.com, see Add your other email accounts to Outlook.com for instructions. If you're using Gmail, first follow the steps in Prepare your Gmail or G Suite account for connecting to. In the first scenario, PST File is locally stored, so that using the Microsoft Azure AzCopy tool, we can move the PST file to Microsoft 365 account manually and import it into Outlook Web App. For another condition, Outlook user needs to export mailbox data into a PST File format using the Import /. Use the instructions below if you want to connect an account to your Outlook on the web (work or school) account in Microsoft 365. If you're using Outlook.com or Hotmail.com, see Add your other email accounts to Outlook.com for instructions. With that in mind, the Outlook on the web (formerly known as Outlook Web App) coexistence story is important. Consider the following scenario: a company uses a hybrid deployment to move some of their mailboxes from on-premises Exchange to Microsoft 365 or Office 365.

Between mid October 2019 and mid February 2020 everyone in the Army will be migrated to PIV AUTH certificate for Email access. You will no longer use your Email certificate for Enterprise Email.

Mac users who choose to upgrade to Mac OS Catalina (10.15) will need to uninstall all 3rd Party CAC enablers per https://militarycac.com/macuninstall.htm

Accessing OWA requires the installation steps below and an email account on that network

Installation Steps
Step 1: Obtain a CAC Reader
Step 2:CAC Reader driver
Step 3:DoD Certificates
Step 4:ActivClient
Step 4a:Update ActivClient
Step 5:IE adjustments
Step 6: Find and Click the link below for your OWA Email server and select the EMAIL certificate on your CAC (Except for Dual Persona personnel), you will need to select your PIV certificate if on Mail.mil.

Web Outlook 365 Sign In

Air Force | Air National Guard | Army | Army National Guard | Army Reserve | Coast Guard | Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) | Department of Defense (DoD) | Marines | Navy | Other Organizations
Some differences between OWA (2003) and OWA (2010)

A Windows 10 patch rendered OWA unusable, follow this guide

Windows 10 users will see the certificate selection differently than previous versions of Windows.
You may need to click More choices to see the additional certificates, once selected, click OK

NOTE: Most problems and solutions with DoD Enterprise Email can be found here

AMEDD - Europe

Enterprise Email (now DoD Enterprise Email)

Army Knowledge Online (AKO)

Migrated to DoD Enterprise Email

Army Military Intelligence

Army National Guard Migrated to DoD Enterprise Email

Army Reserve

Migrated to DoD Enterprise Email


Department of Defense:

NOTE: Each of the below servers have numbers after the name represented by ##, use the main link after Enterprise Email, once authenticated you will be redirected to the server your mail is on.

Web Outlook 365 Login

NOTE: Most problems and solutions with DoD Enterprise Email can be found here

Web Outlook 365 Login

DoD Intelligence Information Systemhttps://owa.dodiis.mil

Enterprise Email

Enterprise Email (Columbus, OH)


Enterprise Email (Fort Bragg, NC)


Enterprise Email (Fort Eustis, VA)

Enterprise Email (Fort Knox, KY) https://web-knox##.mail.mil
Enterprise Email (Fort Wainwright, AK) https://web-wain##.mail.mil

Enterprise Email (Oklahoma City, OK)


Enterprise Email (Mechanicsburg, PA)


Enterprise Email (Mechanicsburg, PA)


Enterprise Email (Mechanicsburg, PA) https://web-rita##.mail.mil

Enterprise Email (Montgomery, AL)


Enterprise Email (Ogden, UT) https://web-ogdn##.mail.mil

Enterprise Email (Europe)


Enterprise Email (Europe) https://web-eur##.mail.mil
Enterprise Email (Pacific) https://web-paci##.mail.mil
Enterprise Email (Raven Rock, PA) https://web-ravn##.mail.mil
Enterprise Email (Redstone Arsenal, AL) https://web-reds##.mail.mil
Enterprise Email (Saint Louis, MO)
NOTE: Decommissioned on 12 FEB 2020

Enterprise Email (San Antonio, TX)


Enterprise Email (Camp Walker, Korea)


Enterprise Email (Yokota, Japan) https://web-yoko##.mail.mil
Enterprise Email (Bahrain) https://web-bahr##.mail.mil
Joint Staffhttps://web.mail.mil


Marine Corps - Office 365 OWA https://o365.usmc.mil
Marine Corps Network Operations Centerhttps://mail.mcnosc.usmc.mil/mcnosc
Marine Corps - United States & Japanhttps://owa.usmc.mil(Eff: 20 JUN 19)
Marine Corps - Integrated Solutions Framework https://webmail.isf.usmc.mil

Web Outlook 365 Export Emails


Web Outlook 365

NMCI has been randomly switching people between the East and West servers. So, if you previously worked on one and it is not working now, try the other one.

Apple users may need to try this idea found here

Navy Easthttps://webmail.east.cloud.navy.mil
Navy East https://webmail.east.nmci.navy.mil
Navy Westhttps://webmail.west.cloud.navy.mil
Navy West https://webmail.west.nmci.navy.mil
Navy Office 365 https://webmail.cloud.navy.mil
Navy Europehttps://mail.eu.navy.mil/owa
Navy Far Easthttps://mail.fe.navy.mil/owa
Navy Middle Easthttps://mail.me.navy.mil/owa
Navy Continuous Training Env (NCTE) https://webmail.ncte.hpc.mil/owa
NMCI-ISF https://webmail.isf.nmci.navy.mil
NADSUSEA NCIS COI (Navy NCIS) https://webmail.ncis.nmci.navy.mil
NAVSOC / Navy Special Warfare https://sofwebmail.socom.mil
PADS (Navy PADS) https://webmail.pacom.mil
PADS (Navy PACOM SMR Users) https://webmail.exceptions.pacom.mil
Navy Medicalhttps://webmail.med.navy.mil

Coast Guard:

NOTE: If your account has been migrated to Office 365, then the link above is no longer valid. You must now use VMware Horizon to access your email. Consult with your unit for more information.

Web Outlook 365 Login Email Account

Air Force:

Air Force Office365https://usaf-my.dps.mil
Air Force Webmail Home stationhttps://owa.us.af.mil
Air Force Webmail Globalhttps://web.mail.us.af.mil/owa
All Air Force webmail addressesPDF(Last version received on: 13 July 2015)
Air Force at Al Udeid Air Basehttps://mail.auab.afcent.af.mil/owa
Joint Base Lewis - McChord Migrated to DoD Enterprise Email (See above)
Pentagon Air Force personnelMigrated to DoD Enterprise Email (See above)

Air National Guard:

Migrated to https://owa.us.af.mil
Fort Lee, VA http://www.dcma.mil/ITCSO/Outlook/outlookportal_east.cfm
Boston, MA http://www.dcma.mil/ITCSO/Outlook/outlookportal_east.cfm
Carson, CA http://www.dcma.mil/ITCSO/Outlook/outlookportal_west.cfm

Other Organizations:

AFRICOM https://c-owa.africom.mil
CENTCOM HQ and CFHhttps://hqmail.centcom.mil
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) https://email.dla.mil
DoD Education Activityhttps://owa.dodea.edu/owa
DoD Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) https://owa.dodiis.mil
NORTHCOM https://command.noradnorthcom.mil
USASOC https://owa.soc.mil/owa
USSOCOM https://sofwebmail.socom.mil/OWA
USSOCOM (alternate) https://mail.socom.mil

Web Outlook 365 Spell Check

I know there are more CAC enabled OWA sites, if you want yours added, or know of other CAC enabled OWA sites, please email me Since this site revolves around CACs, please NO regular OWA sites.